Getting rid of laptop ants

7:06 ص | | | 0تعليقات

A laptop ants solution.

Have you got laptop ants? Here's a simple, bait free solution. Do this and the ants will simply leave by themselves. I've had the same problem and this fixed it.
Ants in a laptop can be scary. What are they eating? Microchips? Don't panic, just follow these steps and the laptop ants will be gone by morning.
Laptop ants.
Laptop ants.

What you'll need to remove laptop ants.

Step 1.

  1. You'll need a tray which can hold water.
  2. You'll need something stable which can sit in the water. If you use a bowl it needs to be heavy or it will float.
  3. You'll need a stick or wooden cooking spoon or something about that length which will not slip if you lean it.
  4. You'll need a laptop infested with ants. This solution is for serious laptop ants. If you've only got one or two, just brush them off.

Assembling your laptop ants solution.

Assembling your laptop ants solution.
Assembling your laptop ants solution.
  • Now fill the tray with water. It doesn't need to be full. Just enough to cover the bottom. Put it somewhere where it will not be disturbed.
  • Place your stand in the center of the tray. 
  • Making sure the laptop is off and unplugged, place it carefully on the stand. Be sure that nothing but the stand underneath is touching the laptop.
  • Lean the spoon or stick so that it touches the laptop and the surface that the tray is sitting on.
  • Leave the set-up overnight.

Why it works.

Why would the laptop ants leave via your spoon bridge?
Ants have powerful survival instincts. Either the ants are in the laptop eating food you've dropped there or they've moved in. In either case they scout the area at all times. Once they realize the chemical trail which got them there (following other ants) no longer leads home they'll look for an alternative. The spoon will eventually be found and they will eventually all follow it. One trail over water is not acceptable and they will not use it to return.
I grew up in India and my father told me (panicky as I was - I had work to do) of this solution. I didn't believe it would work but it was risk free so I did it. The next morning all the ants were gone.
If you've got laptop ants to get rid of, try it. It works.
If you've tried this solution, you are an entomologist in outrage or have any comments or questions, please leave one below. If you've got a friend with ants everywhere and a laptop tell them about this laptop ants solution!

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